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Thomas Depian   Michael Huber   Wilhelm Wanecek

Thomas Depian   Michael Huber   Wilhelm Wanecek

Opera Network
Opera Network
Performances across Europe between 1775 and 1833
Performances across Europe between 1775 and 1833

Ah, by tomorrow morning a dozen names must be added to my list! says Don Giovanni in the eponymous opera written by Lorenzo da Ponte (left) and composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (right). We are interested in the journey of the opera of Don Giovanni and start our exploration in Vienna, where the opera performed in 1788. While Don Giovanni was always performed in the version by da Ponte and Mozart, we can see that it was at that time not uncommon that multiple composers based their work on a common libretto. Therefore, the Opera Network interprets an opera as the triple title, composer, and librettist. But Don Giovanni was not the only opera performed in Vienna. We can see that before Don Giovanni Una cosa rara, composed by Vicente Martín y Soler and based again on a libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte, performed in Vienna. Our feeling that that among the three librettists present in Vienna in the datase, Lorenzo da Ponte seems to be the most prominent gets confirmed. Following the performances of Don Giovanni in the direction of the arrow symbols, we find the next one in Hamburg. We notice that Hamburg has a gray dot next to it, which indicates that it is not placed on its actual position. Again, we can see which librettists (left) and composers (right) were active in that city. We observe that each composer has a unique color and each librettist a unique shade of gray – and mixed together, they form a unique color for every combination of composer and librettist. We are interested in their further collaborations and check them out in the Collaboration Network, where we can find a nice overview of the colors of composers and shades of librettists. With this new information, we end our exploration phase – but don't worry, this is only one of many stories that can be found by exploring the Opera Network.

Find out more! See our Acknowledgements and Write-Up.

Find out more! Visit https://opera-network.netlify.app.
